This technique is really powerful. And ridiculously simple.
But when you try it I think you’ll agree it’s an immensely powerful method of increasing your efficiency and shortening your To Do List.
It was invented by David Allen, a renowned productivity expert and it’s called The 2 Minute Rule.
It works like this:
Whenever you see a new email, or a new task comes up for you to do, just ask yourself this one question:
Can I get this done in 2 minutes or less?
If you can, then do it immediately.
If you can’t, put it on your To Do List or allocate a time in your calendar to do it.
It’s such a simple technique but it really improves your efficiency, in the following ways:
1. You get a lot of tasks done very quickly – you do them as soon as they arrive, rather than postponing them.
2. By doing the quick tasks immediately your future To Do List is a whole lot shorter and more manageable.
3. You feel much more in control and on top of things as you experience that fabulous feeling of getting a lot of things done.
4. If you choose not to do it immediately (as it will take longer than 2 minutes) you write it down straight away, or allocate a time to do it – both of which keep you more organised.
Try The 2 Minute Rule for a week.
I think you’ll agree that it’s one of the best business efficiency techniques out there.