The two biggest mistakes people make building a business.
People think building a highly successful business is hard.
Actually, it’s really simple.
As long as you have a good product or service to offer, you only need to avoid making two mistakes.
Mistake 1: Not reaching out to enough potential buyers.
I have coached hundreds of entrepreneurs, and it’s truly amazing how many of them spend most of their day handling their current business, and spend hardly any time introducing themselves to new potential clients.
How can you expect to grow your company if hardly any potential customers even know you exist?
Surely Mission One is to get your company known. All else is useless unless you can get that job done.
Only when you have a large enough pool of potential customers that know what you offer, can you ever hope to convert some of them into actual customers.
Mistake 2: Not staying in touch with those people.
When I started my first company I made this classic mistake. I reached out to plenty of potential clients, but then I didn’t stay in contact.
Oh sure, I’d ring them one or twice a year to see how they going, but that’s not nearly enough to stay in their minds. And get them to buy your services.
You have to be communicating with them many times a year to keep your company at the forefront of their thoughts. (The art of course, is to do it in a way that makes you valued, rather than reviled).
These two simple mistakes are made by at least 80% of business owners, to varying degrees.
Get these two things right and most of your business growth dreams will be realized.
Get them wrong and even if you have a great product, your growth will be slow, a fraction of what it could have been.